15. reprezentační ples ve Znojmě Datum konání: 22.1.2011 hotel Prestige, Znojmo www.znojmocity.cz. Město Znojmo a Znojemská Beseda Vás zvou 22. ledna 2011 od 20.00 hodin do hotelu Prestige na Reprezentační ples Města Znojma. ...
EURegio tickets are valid from Vienna to cities near to the border and tourist towns, including the return ticket with-in four days; Znojmo?15, Mikulov ?18, České Budějovice (Budweis) ?27 or Český Krumlov ?27, and Plzeň ?29 ..... Children (up to 14 years) do not need a ticket on Sundays, holidays and during Austrian school vacations. Children (15-19 years) also do not, if they are enrolled in school in Austria. If you're staying for a few days and hope to do tons of ...
that holiday we also visited our family in bznojmo/b. my grandmother was born in the czech rep. and came to the netherlands after the second world war to marry my grandfather. that's why i have a special bond with this country. ...